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FAST-41 Postings by Agencies for Silver Star Solar

( August 9, 2024 )
FAST-41 Initiation Notice

Project Information
•  Title: Silver Star Solar 1 Project
Project Location Project Location Address:
o Country: USA
o Street address 1:
o Street address 2:
o City:
o State: Nevada
o Zip:
o County: Nye Project Centroid Coordinates
•  Latitude: 36° 35’4.82 N
•  Longitude: 116° 30’32.00 W
Project Sponsor Contact Information
•  Company Name/Agency: Silver Star Solar 1 Project
•  Project Sponsor: Leeward Renewable Energy Development, LLC
•  Street Address: 6688 N Central Expressway, Suite 500
•  City: Dallas
•  State: Texas
•  Zip: 75206
•  POC Name: Omar Aboudaher
•  POC Title: Authorized Signatory
•  POC Work Phone: 214.515.1100
•  POC Email Address:

Alternate Point of Contact (Optional)
•  Company Name/Agency: Silver Star Solar 1, LLC
•  Project Sponsor: Leeward Renewable Energy Development, LLC
•  Street Address: 6688 N Central Expressway, Suite 500
•  City: Dallas
•  State: Texas
•  Zip: 75206
•  POC Name: Duane Enger
•  POC Title: Authorized Agent
•  POC Work Phone: 480.823.9198
•  POC Email Address:

Project Purpose
Please provide a concise overview of the purpose and objective of the proposed project.
In June 2023, the U.S. Bureau of Land Management (“BLM”) awarded LRE the right to pursue 
development of the Project after LRE placed the winning bid in BLM’s Amargosa Valley PV solar 
energy development competitive auction. (BLM’s auction is described at
%20Competitive%20Offer_Amargosa%20Valley%20parcels_508.pdf.) , The fundamental purpose of the 
Project is to construct a clean, renewable source of solar electricity that helps meet Nevada’s 
and/ or California’s growing demand for power and helps fulfill Congressional, BLM, and state 
renewable energy and greenhouse gas emission goals. Solar energy provides a sustainable, renewable 
source of power that helps reduce fossil fuel dependence and greenhouse gas emissions. The 
electrical output from the Project will be sold to one or more utility companies to support their 
compliance with Nevada and/ or California’s renewable energy portfolio standards or other green 
energy initiatives.
The interconnection will allow all California Independent System Operator (CAISO) participants and/ 
or NV Energy ISO participants to purchase renewable energy generated by the Project under a long- 
term Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) to deliver energy from a (nominal) 650 MW generating facility.
Specific project objectives include the following:
•  Establish a solar PV power-generating facility that is of sufficient size and configuration to 
produce up to 650 MW of electricity to support the State of Nevada in achieving Senate Bill 358’s 
50 % Renewables Portfolio Standard (RPS) requirement by 2030 and 100 % by 2050.
•  Utilize up to 500 MW of storage capacity to provide resource adequacy to the grid during high 
demand situations.
•  Produce and transmit electricity at a competitive cost.
•  Locate the facility in a rural portion of Nye County and near existing and available electrical 
distribution infrastructure.
•  Minimize environmental effects by:
•  Using existing electrical distribution facilities, rights-of-way, roads, and
•  other existing infrastructure where practicable
•  Minimizing water use during operation; and
•  Reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
•  Use solar technology that is available, proven, efficient, and easily maintained, recyclable, and 
environmentally sound.
•  Create family-wage jobs for Southern Nevada.

Project Description
Please provide a concise description, including the general location of the proposed project and a 
summary of geospatial information, if available, illustrating the project area and the locations, 
if any, of environmental, cultural, and historic resources.
The Silver Star Solar 1 (Project) would be entirely on land administered by the Bureau of Land 
Management (BLM), Southern Nevada District Office (SNDO) in the unincorporated Town of Amargosa 
Valley, Nye County, Nevada. The requested ROW would be for the construction, operation, and 
maintenance, and decommissioning of a 650 megawatt (MW) alternating current solar photovoltaic 
power generating facility with a 650 MW battery energy storage system on approximately 3,005 acres.

The proposed Project’s solar generation field would be located approximately five miles south of U.S. 
Highway 95 and six miles west of State Highway 373. Death Valley National Park is approximately 
four miles southwest of the Project. The proposed Project would be on Solar Variance lands as 
identified in the 2012 Final Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement for Solar Energy 
Development in Six Southwestern States (Solar PEIS).
Geospatial data for vegetation, land ownership and administration, and infrastructure are publicly 
available. Additional geospatial data is available from BLM’s mineral and land record system (MLRS) 
database for existing land use authorizations, mining claims, and fluid mineral leases. Additional 
data is available from other federal and state agencies.
The proposed Project is in the Amargosa Desert Basin, where the average annual rainfall ranges from 
two to six inches. Amargosa Valley has habitat for desert tortoises; the Mohave population of this 
species is listed as threatened under the Endangered Species Act. Additional listed species inhabit 
Ash Meadows National Wildlife Refuge, approximately 10 miles southeast.

Technical and Financial Ability
Please provide a description regarding the technical and financial ability of the project sponsor 
to construct the proposed project.
LRE has a strong track record of efficiently developing and maturing assets, consistently achieving 
project financial targets, and successfully bringing projects to commercial operation. As evidence 
of our capabilities, we currently own and operate a diverse portfolio of 27 renewable energy 
facilities spanning nine states, boasting a total installed capacity exceeding 2,900 MW.
LRE is a proud portfolio company of OMERS Infrastructure, a globally renowned infrastructure 
investor and investment arm of OMERS, one of Canada’s largest defined benefit pension plans with 
C$127.4 billion in net assets (as of June 30, 2023), which underscores our financial stability and 
ability to execute projects with precision.

Summary of Financing, Reviews and Authorizations
Please provide a description of any Federal financing, environmental reviews, and authorizations to 
be required to complete the proposed project.

The Project will require compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), with the 
Bureau of Land Management (BLM) as the lead federal agency. The Project may require permits from 
state agencies, including the Nevada Divisions of Wildlife, Forestry, Water Resources, and 
Environmental Protection; Nevada Department of Transportation; Nevada State Historic Preservation 
Office; and Public Utilities Commission.
The Project also may require local permits from the Nye County Air Quality Department and Nye 
County Building and Safety Department. Table 4 lists other federal, state, and local permits and 
approvals that may be issued for the Project, and the authorizing agencies.

Federal Permits/Authorizations
U.S Department of the Interior/BLM

ROW authorization under Title V of FLPMA EIS Record of Decision
Notice to Proceed

U.S. Department of the Interior, BLM and State Historic Preservation Office/Advisory Council on 
Historic Preservation
U.S. Department of the Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service
State of Nevada Permits/Authorizations Nevada Public Utility Commission Nevada Department of 

Nevada Division of Environmental Protection

Nevada Division of Water Resources (State Engineer)

Nevada State Fire Marshall
Nye County Permits/Authorizations Nye County Department of Air Quality Nye County Department of 
Nye County Building and Safety Department Nye County Public Works Department

BLM/SHPO, NHPA Section 106

Endangered Species Act Section7 Biological Opinion/Incidental Take Permit

Utility Environmental Protection Act Permit Special Purpose Permit
Utility Environmental Protection Act Permit Stormwater Discharge Permit
NPDES Temporary Groundwater Discharge Permit Water Rights Modifications, Possible Change of Place of 
Use, and Manner of Use Point of Diversion
Hazardous Materials Storage Permit

Dust Control Permit Special Use Permit Building Permit Encroachment Permit

Project Assessment
Assessment that the project meets the definition of a covered project as defined in 42 U.S.C.
§4370m(6)(A) of the FAST Act and a statement of reasons supporting the assessment.
The Silver Star Solar 1 Solar Project meets the criteria in 42 U.S.C. §4370m(6)(A) as a covered 
project including that the project represents a total investment of greater than one billion 
dollars. Solar energy projects such as Silver Star Solar 1, sited on BLM-managed public lands, are 
authorized as rights-of-way under Title V of the Federal Land Policy and Management Act of 1976 as 
amended consistent with the 1998 Las Vegas Resource Management Plan. Environmental reviews for the 
project, will include an evaluation under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) as amended 
2023. Due to the project's proximity to Ash Meadows National Wildlife Refuge and Death Valley 
National Park, the potential for groundwater drawdown during construction, consultation with the 
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and coordination with the National Park Service and Nevada State 
Engineer’s office is anticipated. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service may require a Biological 
Assessment and Biological Opinion for the proposed Project. The Project does not qualify for an 
abbreviated authorization or environmental review process under any applicable laws or regulations.

Form Submitter Contact Information Submitter Contact Information
•  Name: Duane Enger
•  Title: Director of Development
•  Work Phone: 480 823 9198

•  Email:

By submitting this application, I affirm that I am an authorized representative of the Sponsor 
indicated above and that the facts set forth in this form are true and complete.



United States Department of the Interior
Washington, DC 20240

March 15, 2024
Duane Enger
Silver Star Solar 1, LLC
Leeward Renewable Energy Development, LLC 688 N. Central Expressway, Suite 500
Dallas, TX 75206 Dear Duane Enger:

Thank you for your interest in initiating the Silver Start Solar 1 Solar Energy project as a 
covered project under Title 41 of the Fixing America’s Surface Transportation Act (FAST-41). Based 
on the information contained in your FAST-41 Initiation Notice and our preliminary review of the 
Project Assessment, Project Description, and Project Purpose, we have determined that the 650- 
megawatt Silver Star Solar I Project meets the definition of a “covered project” under 42 U.S.C.
§ 4370m(6) and should be included on the FAST-41 Permitting Dashboard. The Department of the 
Interior, in coordination with cooperating and participating agencies, will develop the Coordinated 
Project Plan no later than May 14, 2024.

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or concerns at 202-208- 4221 or 

Stephen G. Tryon Director

Digitally signed by STEPHEN TRYON Date: 2024.03.15
15:10:03 -04'00'

Office of Environmental Policy and Compliance

cc: Tracy Stone-Manning, Director, Bureau of Land Management
Eric Beightel, Executive Director, Federal Permitting Improvement Steering Council Jon K. Raby, 
State Director, BLM Nevada
Gregory L. Helseth, Renewable Energy Branch Chief, BLM Nevada
Justin Abernathy, Deputy State Director-Energy and Minerals, BLM Nevada Theresa R. Coleman, 
Southern Nevada District Manager, BLM Nevada Ryan Chatterton, Southern Nevada Deputy District 
Manager, BLM Nevada Nicholas Pay, Pahrump Field Manager, BLM Nevada

Application and Supporting Documents

Electronic versions of the documents are currently unavailable they will be posted when available.

Information on the status of mitigation measures


Description of the status of any litigation


Information about project-related public meetings, public hearings, and public comment periods

Plans and Schedules for Public and Tribal Outreach 



Intended Audience 

Responsible Entity 

Initial Tribal Government to Government Consultation Invitations - Letter 


Tribal Chairpersons, Tribal Historic Preservation Officers 



Anticipated February 2025 

Public, Agencies, Tribes 


Public Review and Comment on EA and Unsigned FONSI 

Anticipated August 2025 

Public, Agencies, Tribes 



Description of any Federal agency action taken or decision made that materially affects the status of the project


( August 9, 2024 )
FAST-41 Initiation Notice

Provided by the Lead Agency

Application and Supporting Documents

Nothing at this time

Information on the status of mitigation measures

Not available at this time

Description of the status of any litigation


Information about project-related public meetings, public hearings, and public comment periods


Description of any Federal agency action taken or decision made that materially affects the status of the project