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Permitting Action Modification History

Milestone Original Target Date Current Target Date Alternative Completion Date Milestone Complete?
Initial application received (Applicant Action) 12-21-2022 12-21-2022 --- Yes
Completed application received (Applicant Action) 09-29-2023 09-29-2023 --- Yes
EPA authorizes discharge under Individual permit (Agency Action) 09-30-2025 12-29-2025 --- No
In Progress
The project sponsor’s delayed submission of information needed for a complete Marine Mammal Protection Act (MMPA) Incidental Take Authorization (ITA) application has resulted in delays to the schedule for NMFS’s issuance of the proposed ITA as well as delays to the development of complete Endangered Species Act (ESA) and Essential Fish Habitat (EFH) consultation documents, the Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS), the Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) and all other subsequent dependent milestones. BOEM developed an updated permitting timetable reflecting the 90-day shift to the DEIS, FEIS, and Record of Decision (ROD) milestone dates. The NEPA Action is impacted by the milestone shifts for the ESA Action as a result of the shifts for the MMPA Action; the NEPA timeline is changing accordingly. Finally, the completion dates for EPA’s NPDES permit is dependent on the final completion date for the NEPA action.
Milestone Original Target Date Current Target Date Alternative Completion Date Milestone Complete?
Initial application received (Applicant Action) 12-21-2022 12-21-2022 --- Yes
Completed application received (Applicant Action) 09-29-2023 09-29-2023 --- Yes
EPA authorizes discharge under Individual permit (Agency Action) 09-30-2025 12-29-2025 --- No
In Progress
Milestone Original Target Date Current Target Date Alternative Completion Date Milestone Complete?
Initial application received (Applicant Action) 12-21-2022 12-21-2022 --- Yes
Completed application received (Applicant Action) 09-29-2023 09-29-2023 --- Yes
EPA authorizes discharge under Individual permit (Agency Action) 09-30-2025 09-30-2025 --- No
In Progress
Milestone Original Target Date Current Target Date Alternative Completion Date Milestone Complete?
Initial application received (Applicant Action) 12-21-2022 12-21-2022 --- Yes
Completed application received (Applicant Action) 09-29-2023 09-29-2023 --- Yes
EPA authorizes discharge under Individual permit (Agency Action) 09-30-2025 09-30-2025 --- No